sobota, 17 kwietnia 2021

 The Erasmus+ programme is The European Union programme for education, training youth ans sport. This EU education programme is designed to enable learning mobility, exchange of good practices and create strategic partnerships. The 34 countries participating in the programme are: 28 members of EU as well as countries which do not belong to the Community for instance: Iceland, Lichtenstain, Norway, Turkey, Serbia. In Poland, the National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme is the Foundation for the Development for the Education System (FRSE) which implements decentralised actions within  five sectoral programmes: Erasmus+ School Education, Erasmus+ Higher Education, Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Adult Education and Erasmus+ vocational education and training.


The project constitute the cooperation of four schools from Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey and Poland. The main objective of this project is to develop the knowledge about using digital tools in teaching and sharing the knowledge with partners and their school community.

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